IBPS, SBI, RBI and Other Bank's Clerk, PO and SSC CGL, CHSL Examination and Sample Question - Answers of Reasoning, Quantitative, Computer Awareness, English, General Knowledge, Clerical and Marketing Aptitude Paper.

SSC (Staff Selection Commission) CGL (Combined Graduate Level) Examination English Solved Question Paper And Answers Paper On 08.07.2012 Morning Session

Directions : In question nos. 1 to 5, some parts of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and blacken the rectangle ENO corresponding to the appropriate letter (A, B, C). If there is no error, blacken the rectangle corresponding to (D) in the Answer-Sheet. 

1. Air pollution, together with littering, (A) are causing many problems (B) in our cities. (C)  No error. (D)

2. The accused refused  (A) to answer to the policeman  (B) on duty. (C) No error.  (D)

3. What is (A) the use of me (B) attending the session ?  (C) No error. (D)

4. We met our prospective employer (A) for a briefing session (B) in the Taj Hotel. (C) No error.  (D)

5. Because of the severe snow storm and the road blocks,(A) the air force dropped food and  (B) medical supplies close to the city. (c) No error. (D)

Directions : In question nos. 6 to 10, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by blackening the appropriate rectangle in the Answer-Sheet. 

6. _______ pollution control measures are expensive, many industries hesitate to adopt them.
(A) Although  (C) Because
(B) However (D) Despite

7. It is not ______ for a man to be confined to the pursuit of wealth.
(A) healthy (C) possible
(B) easy (D) common

8. ____ his being innocent of the crime, the judge sentenced him to one year imprisonment.
(A) Inspite of (B) In case of
(C) On account of (D) In the event of

9. It is a story of two men and a batch of _______ armoured cars.
(A) deceased (C) decrepit
(B) diseased (D) defeated

10. Although there is ________ gunfire, there is no stiff resistance to the revolu-tionary army.
(A) bitter (C) continuous
(B) meagre (D) sporadic

Directions : In question nos. 11 to 15, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word and mark it in the Answer-Sheet. 

11. Vociferous
(A) violent (C) secret
(B) loud (D) true

12. Fictional
(A) genuine (C) fanciful
(B) authentic (D) real

13. Trivial
(A) crucial (C) vital
(B) significant (D) ordinary

14. Impudent
(A) Vigilant (C) Insolent
(B) Astute (D) Arrogant

15. Pompous
(A) Pretentious (C) Demanding
(B) Supportive (D) Flashy

Directions : In question nos. 16 to 20, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word and mark it in the Answer-Sheet. 

16. Cultivated
(A) Crude (C) Suave
(B) Genteel (D) Refined

17. Impertinent
(A) Insolent (C) Cheeky
(B) Impudent (D) Courteous

18. Divulge
(A) Disseminate (C) Publicize
(B) Dissemble (D) Transmit

19. Appreciation
(A) Aspersion (B) Admiration
(C) Commendation (D) Compliment

20. Supple
(A) Pliant (C) Rigid
(B) Pliable (D) Flexible

Directions : In question nos. 21 to 25, four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase and bold italicised in the sentence. Choose the alter-native which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase and mark it in the Answer-Sheet. 

21. Once the case reached the court, the police washed their hands off it.
(A) waited for a response to
(B) claimed credit for
(C) disassociated themselves from
(D) seemed eager to continue

22. She wanted to go hitch-hiking but her mother put her foot down and now she's going by bus.
(A) took a firm stand
(B) expr,essed her displeasure
(C) scolded her badly
(D) got irritated

23. Adolescence is a period of halcyon days.
(A) hard days
(B) of mental pressure
(C) happy days
(D) days of preparation

24. My sincere advice to my maidservant fell on stony round.
(A) was counter productive
(B) had a strong impact
(C) made one stubborn
(D) had little success

25. He has all his ducks in a row; he is complacent.
(A) has everything ready
(B) is well organised
(C) always scores a zero
(D) never gets confused

Direction:: In question nos. 26 to 30, a part of the sentence is underlined. Below are given alternatives to the underlined part at (A), (B) and (C) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed your answer is (D). Mark your answer in the Answer-Sheet. 

26. You shall have attended if the court had instructed you to do so.
(A) would have had to attend
(B) would attend
(C) would have to
(D) No iinprovement

27. The relics of Greece over which such a great deal of evidence has been collected should be preserved.
(A) from which
(B) on which
(C) ascent which
(D) No improvement

28. When the beverage was ready, they drank possibly as much as they could.
(A) as much as they possibly could
(B) as much as possibly they could
(C) as much as they could possibly
(D) No improvement

29. A citizen is expected to give allegiance to his country of origin.
(A) homage
(B) loyalty
(C) obedience
(D) No improvement

30. We were with daggers drawn despite attempts to understand each other.
(A) in (B) on
(C) at (D) No improvement

Directions :In question nos. 31 to 35, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence. 

31. A round or cylindrical container used for storing things such as food, chemicals or rolls of film
(A) tankard (B) canister
(C) vessel (D) casket

32. A place of permanent residence
(A) abode (C) domicile
(B) dormitory (D) apartment

33. That cannot be altered or withdrawn
(A) irrevocable (C) irrefutable
(B) irretrievable (D) irresistible

34. Money paid to employees on retirement
(A) gratuity (C) pension
(B) gift (D) arrears

35. A place where clothes are kept
(A) closet (C) wardrobe
(B) drawer (D) cupboard

Directions : In question nos. 36 to 40, four words are given in each question, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word and indicate it in the Answer-Sheet by blackening the appropriate rectangle. 

36. (A) garulous (C) garullous
(B) garrulous (D) garrullous

37. (A) marquee (C) marquei
(B) markue (D) marquie

38. (A) puissant (C) puiscent
(B) puiscant (D) puissent

39. (A) disconncerting (C) discuncerting
(B) disconserting (D) disconcerting

40. (A) exilarate (C) exsilarate
(B) exhilerate (D) exhilarate

Directions : In question nos. 41 to 50, you have two brief passages with 5 questions in each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and mark it by blackening the appropriate rectangle in the Answer-Sheet. 

PASSAGE I (Question Nos. 41 to 45) 

Stuck with the development dilemma ? Stay away from management courses. Seriously, one of the biggest complaints that organisations have about management courses is that tftsfail to impact the participants' on-the-job behaviour. Some management trainers stress the need for follow-up and reinforcement on the job. Some go so far as briefing the participants' managers on what behaviour they should be reinforcing back on the job. Others include a follow-up training day to review the rogress of the participants. one of this is really going far enough. The real problem is that course promoters view development as something which primarily, takes place in a classroom. A course is an event and events are, by definition limited in time. When you talk about follow-up after a course, it is seen as a nice idea, but not as an essential part of thearidl_i'cs_Ismelqman enpm me. Any rational, empowered individual should be able to take what has been learnt in a course and transfer it to the work place — or so the argument goes.Anotigapire_aspect of the course mindset is that, primarily, development is thought to be about skill-acquisition.

So, it is felt that the distinction bttiveen taking the course and behaving differently in the work place parallels the distinction between skill-acquisition and skill-application.  But can such a sharp distinction be maintained ? Skills are really acquired only in the context of applying them on the job, finding them effective and, therefore, reinforcing them.
The problem with courses is that they are events, while development is an on-going prtiee'Ss wiiich, involves, within a comp  ex environment, continual interaction, regular feEdbaind adjustment. As we tend to equate eve opment with a one-off event, it is difficult to get seriously motivated about the follow-up. Anyone paying for a course tends to look at follow-up as an unnecessary and rather costly frill.

41. What is the passage about ?
(A) personal management
(B) development dilemma
(C) management courses
(D) course promotors' attitude

42. Which of the following statements is false ?
(A) Some management trainers stress the need for follow-up and reinforcement on the job
(B) Some suggest a follow-up training day to review the progress of the participants
(C) Some go to the extent of briefing the participants' managers on what behaviour they should be reinforcing back on the job
(D) The real problem is that course promoters view development as something which does not take place during a course

43. The writer's attitude, as reflected in the passage, is
(A) critical (B) ironic
(C) sympathetic (D) philosophical

44. The course promoters' attitude is
(A) self-righteous
(B) indifferent
(C) easy-going
(D) unprogressive

45. The word 'mindset' here means
(A) a determined mind
(B) a (fixed) attitude of mind
(C) an open mind
(D) mindful

PASSAGE II (Question Nos. 46 to 50) 

One may look at life, events, society, history, in another way. A way which might, at a stretch, be described as the Gandhian way, though it may be from times before Mahatma Gandhi came on the scene. The Gandhian reaction to all the grim poverty, squalor and degradation of the human being— would approximate to effort at self-change and self-improvement, to a regime of living regulated by discipline from witta To change society, the individual must first change himself. In this way of looking at life and society, words too begin to mean differently. Revolution, for instance, is a term frequently used, but not always in the sense it has been in the lexicon of the militant. So also with words like peace and struggle. Even society may mean differently, being some kind of — organic entity-tor the militant, and more or less a sum CC individuals for the Gandhian. There is yet anWvay, which might, for want of a better description, be called the mystic. The yic's perspective these concerns that transcend pelitical ambition and the dynamism of the reformer, whether he be militant or Gandhian. The mystic measures the terror of not knowing the remorseless march of time; he seeks to know what was before birth, what comes after death. The continuous presence of death, of the consciousness of death, sets his priorities and values : militants and Gandhians, kings and prophets, must leave all that they have built; all that they have unbuilt and depart when messengers of the buffalo-riding Yama come out of the shadows. Water will to water, dust to dust. Think of impermanence. Everything passes.

46. The Gandhian reaction to poverty is
(A) a total war on poverty
(B) self-discipline
(C) self-abnegation
(D) a regulated distribution of wealth

47. According to Gandhianism. the individual who wants to change society
(A) should destroy the existing society
(B) must re-form society
(C) must change himself
(D) may change society without changing himself

48. Who, according to the passage, finds new meaning for words like revolutions, peace and struggle ?
(A) A Gandhian who believes in non-violent revolution
(B) A militant
(C) A mystic
(D) A Gandhian who disciplines himself from within

49. The expression water will to water, dust dust' means
(A) water and dust can mix well
(B) man will become water after death
(C) man will one day die and become dust
(D) man will become dust and water after death

50. What does society mean to a Gandhian ?
(A) a sum of individuals
(B) an organic entity
(C) a regime of living regulated by discipline from within
(D) a disciplined social community

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