IBPS, SBI, RBI and Other Bank's Clerk, PO and SSC CGL, CHSL Examination and Sample Question - Answers of Reasoning, Quantitative, Computer Awareness, English, General Knowledge, Clerical and Marketing Aptitude Paper.

IBPS Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) Exam Paper On 09.09.2012 : Reasoning Solved Question Paper And Answer Paper

1-2. Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions :

Sunil started walking from point A. He walked 6 meters towards East to reach point B. Fran point B he took a right turn and walked 3 meters to reach point C. From point C he took a right turn am: walked 10 meters to reach point D. From point D he took a left turn and walked 4 meters to reach point E. From point E, he walked 4 meters East to reach point F. Point G is exactly mid-way between point c and point D.

1. If Sunil walks 4 meters to the North of point F, how far and in which direction will he be from point G?
(1) 1 meter towards East (2) 2 meters towards East   (3) 1 meter towards West
(4) 2 meters towards West (5) 1.5 meters towards East

2. How far and in which direction is point F from point A?
(1) 7 meters towards North (2) 6 meters towards South (3) 8 meters towards South
(4) 6 meters towards North (5) None of these

3. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which of tile following does not belong to that group ?
(1) Think (2) Reflect (3) Speak (4) Consider (5) Ponder

4. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word BARGAINED, each of which has as many letters between them In the word (in both forward and backward directions) as they have between them In the English, alphabetical series ?
(1) Two (2) Three (3) None (4) One (5) More than three

5-7. Study the given Information carefully and answer the given questions :

In a group of six people, P. Q, R. S. land U, each having a different Weight, S Is heavier than Q. R is lighter than only T and P. Q is not the lightest. P is not the heaviest.

5. Who amongst the following is the lightest ?
(1) T   (2) P (3) R (4) U (5) None of these

6. Who amongst the following is the second heaviest ?
(1) R (2) S   (3) U (4) T   (5) P

7. How many people are lighter than 5?
(1) None (2) Three (3) Two (4) More than three (5) One

8. Which of the following will come next in the following series?
9 1 9 8 2 9 8 7 3 9 8 7 6 4 9 8 7 6 5 5 9 8 7 6 5 4 6 9 8 7 6 5 4
(1) 7 (2) 8 (3) 3 (4) 2 (5) 4

9. Which of tne following will come in me place of the question mark (?) in the following series based on the English alphabetical order ?
(1) VF (2) EU (3) UE (4) EV (5) VE

10. Fifteen girls are standing in a straight line facing North. Sudha is standing eleventh from the right end.
Radha Is standing ninth from the left end. Meena is standing exactly between Sudha and Radha. How many girls are standing to the right of Meena ?
(1) Eight (2) Seven (3) Nine (4) Six (5) Cannot be determined

11-15. Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions :

Eight people P, Q, R. 5, T, U, V and W are sitting around a circular table facing the centre no.. necessarily in the same Order. T is sitting third to the right of P. W is sitting second to the right of S. $ net an immediate neighbour of either P or T. U and Q are Immediate neighbours of each other. Q Is no an Immediate neighbour of P. V Is not an immediate neighbour of W.

11. What Is R's position with respect to V?
(1) Second to the left (2) Second to the right (3) Third to the right
(4) Third to the left (5) None of these

12. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their seating positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which one does not belong to the group ?
(1) RQ (2) PV (3) TP (4) US (5) WT

13. Who is sitting second to the right of the one who is sitting to the immediate right of W?
(1) U (2) R (3) V (4) P (5) 0

14. How many people are sitting between U and W when counted from the tort side of U?
(1). Throe (2) None (3) More than three (4) Two (5) One

15. Who Is sitting exactly between T and 5? - -
(1) U (2) Q (3) W (4) V (5) R

16-20. In each of the questions below, two statements are given followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the two statements to be true oven if they seem to be at variance from the commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statement disregarding the commonly known facts.

Give answer (1) If only conclusion I follows. 
Give answer (2) If only conclusion II follows.
Give answer (3) If either conclusion I or II follows.
Give answer (4) If neither conclusion I nor II follows. 
Give answer (5) If both conclusions I and II follow.

16. Statements : All stones are pebbles. All pebbles are rocks.
Conclusion : I. All stones are rocks.
II. All rocks are pebbles.

17. Statements : All kings are rulers. Some rulers are queens.
Conclusion : I. Some kings are queens.
II. Atleast some queens are rulers.

18. Statements : Some gardens are parks. Some parks are areas.
Conclusion : I. Atleast some areas are parks.
II. No garden is an area.

19. Statements : No letter Is a fax. All messages are faxes,
Conclusion : I. No message Is a letter.
II. Atleast some faxes are messages.

20. Statements : Some boards are plains. No plain Is a square.
Conclusion : I. All squares are boards.
II. All plains are boards.

21-25. Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions :

Eight people A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a straight line facing North not necessarily 
in the same order. F is sitting fifth to the right of A. D Is silting fifth to the right of E. E Is to the immediate right of A. H Is third to the loft of D, B Is third to the right of G. G Is an immediate neighbour of A.

21. What is E's position with respect to C?
(1) Second to the left (2) Third to the right (3) Fourth to the right
(4) Third.to the left (5) None of these

22. Who is Sitting thirst to the right of the one Who is sitting sixth from the right end Of the above arrangement?
(1) D (2) C (3) E (4) H  (5) None of these

23. Who amongst the following are sitting at the extreme ends of the tine?
(1) G and D  (2) A and D (3) G and F (4) E and D  (5) A and B

24. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their seating positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which one does not belong to the group ?
(1) HD (2) BE (3) EC (4 ) All (5) GB

25. If all eight persons are asked to sit in an alphabetical order from right to left, the positions of how many will remain unchanged as compared to their original seating position ?
(1) Three (2)  More than three (3) One (4) Two (5) None

26 - 30. In these questions, relationships between different elements is shown in the statements. These statement are followed by two conclusions. 

Give answer (1) If only conclusion I follows. 
Give answer (2) If only conclusion II follows. 
Give answer (3) If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. 
Give answer (4) If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows. 
Give answer (5) If both conclusions I and II follow. 

26. Statements : G < F = L < J; J < K = H
Conclusion : I. H = G II. G < H

27. Statement : P < R < S < T > U
Conclusion : I. U < R II. T > P

28. Statements : T > U > V > W; X < Y = W > Z
Conclusion : I. Z > U II. W < T

29. Statements : K < L < M < N; M < 0 < P
Conclusion : I. P > K II. N > 0

30. Statements : B < A < C; A > D E
Conclusion : I. B < E II. C > E

31-32. In each of the questions given below which one of the five answer figures on the right should come after the problem figures on the left, if the sequence were continued ? 

IBPS Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) Exam Paper On 09.09.2012 reasoning non verbal series mirror image diagram


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