IBPS, SBI, RBI and Other Bank's Clerk, PO and SSC CGL, CHSL Examination and Sample Question - Answers of Reasoning, Quantitative, Computer Awareness, English, General Knowledge, Clerical and Marketing Aptitude Paper.

IBPS Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) Exam Paper On 09.09.2012 : Computer Awareness Solved Question Paper And Answer Paper

1. Computers process data into information by working exclusively With
(1) multimedia. (2) words. (3) characters.
(4) numbers.
(5) None of these

2. Which of the following memory chip is programmed during the manufacturing process ?
(1) RAM (2) ROM (3) PROM (4) EEPROM (5) None of these

3. A byte Is a collection of
(1) Four bits (2) Six bits
(3) Eight bits
(4) Ten bits (5) Twelve bits

4. CD-ROM Is an example of
(1) Input device (2) Output device (3) Both Input & Output (4) Pointing Doyle (5) None of these

5. Volatility Is a property of
(1) computer networks (2) ROM (3) disk (4) software (5) RAM

6. Java Is an example of a(n)
(1) machine language (2) assembly language (3) high-level language (4) fourth generation language
(5) None of these

7. Which of the following is not one of the four major data processing functions of a computer ?
(1) gathering data (2) processing data into information (3) analyzing the data or information
(4) storing the data or information (5) None of these

8. The hardware device commonly referred to as the "brain" of the computer is the
(1) RAM chip. (2) data input. (3) CPU. (4) secondary storage. (5) None of these

9. When the computer is working on given instructions, it is called
(1) output (2) storage (3) processing (4) input  (5) None of these

10. An input device that is used widely in supermarkets is --
(1) Keyboard. (2) Mouse
(3) Trackball
(4) Bar code reader
(5) None of these

11. Producing output involves
(1) accepting Information from the outside, world.
(2) communication with another computer.
(3) moving and storing information.
(4) communicating information to the outside world.
(5) None of these

12. Compiler is the
(1) name given to the computer operator
(2) part of the digital machine to store the information
(3) operator of Boolean Algebra
(4) part of arithmetic logic unit
(5) translator of source program to object code

13. A computer program is
(1) A set of Instructions that enable the computer to solve a problem or perform a task.
(2) Main memory
(3) Pseudocode
(4) A flow chart
(5) None of these

14.  terminals (formerly known as cash registers) are often connected to complex inventory and sales computer systems.
(1) Data
(2) Point-of-sale (POS)
(3) Sales (4) Query
(5) None of these

15.   is a cross between human language and a programming language.
(1) Pseoudocode (2) Java
(3) The Java Virtual Machine
(4) The compiler
(5) None of these

16. Viruses, Trojan horses and Worms am
(1) able to harm computer system
(2) unable to detect if present on computer
(3) user-friendly applications
(4) harmless applications resident on computer
(5) None of these

17. Computers gather data, which means that they allow users to   data.
(1) present (2) input (3) output (4) display (5) None of these

18. The components that process data are located In the
(1) input devices. (2) output devices.
(3) system unit.
(4) storage component. (5) None of these

19. Software refers to
(1) The physical components that a computer is made of.
(2) Firmware (3) Programs (4) Peopleware  (5) None of these

20. The shortcut key to print documents is
(1) Ctrl +D (2) Ctrl +A (3) Ctrl + B
(4) Ctrl + C (5) Ctrl+ P

21. In the binary language each letter of the alphabet, each number and each special character is made up of a unique combination of
(1) eight bytes. (2) eight kilobytes.
(3) eight characters. (4) eight bits
(5) None of these

22. Graphical picture that represent an object like MS, folder etc. are
(1) Task bar. (2) Windows (3) Desktop (4) Icons (5) None of these

23. Because of their size and cost, these computers are relatively rare
(1) minicomputers (2) mainframe computer
(3) microcomputers (4) laptops
(5) supercomputers

24.. RAM is an acronym for
(1) Read All Memory (4) Random Area Memory
(2) Read Any Memory (5) Random Access Memory
(3) Ready Access Memory

25. This type of software works with end-users, application software, and computer hardware the majority of technical details
(1) Communications software (2) Application software
(3) Utility software
(4) System software (5) None of these

26. Special-purpose applications include all of the following except
(1) Web authoring programs (2) database management systems
(3) multimedia creation programs (4) virtual reality programs
(5) None of these

27. An object typically hides Its data, but allows outside code to access
(1) The methods that operate on the data (2) The data filers
(3) Private data members (4) The pseudo code (5) None of these

28. A rectangular area on a computer screen that can contain a document, program, or messages is referred to as a(n)
(1) cell (2) window (3) tuplet (4) field (5) None of these

29. Specialized programs.designed to allow particular input or output devices to communicate with the rest of the Computer system are called
(1) compilers (2) device drivers (3) interpreters
(4) operating systems (5) None of these

30. This typo of computer is tho least powerful, yet the most widely used and fastest-growing type of computer
(1) mainframe computers (2) supercomputers (3) minicomputers
(4) microcomputers (5) None of these

31. Programs designed to perform specific tasks related to managing computer resources are called
(1) system Software (2) operating system (3) application software
(4) utility programs (5) None of these

32. Of the following types of computers, which is the most powerful ?
(1) minicomputer (2) mainframe computer (3) supercomputer
(4) microcomputer (5) None of these

33. The Internet service that provides a multimedia interface to available resources is called  _____
(1) FTP (2) World Wide Web (3) Telnet (4) Gopher (5) None of these

34. Word processing software is used to create  _____
(1) databases (2) documents
(3) spreadsheets
(4) electronic slides (5) None of these

35. A device that connects to a network without the use of cables is said to be  _____
(1) distributed (2) cabled (3) centralized (4) open source

36. Menus are a part of the _____
(1) hardware (2) user interface (3) Status Bar (4) monitor (5) None of these

37. A program that Is used to view Web sites is.called a _____
(1) word processor (2) Web viewer (4) search engine (5) browser
(5) wireless

38. Which of the following is not an example of a document rile?
(1) spreadsheet (2) memo (3) letter (4) term paper (5) thesis

39. Toolbar contain small outlined areas called  commonly used commands _______ that provide shortcuts for quick access to
(1) buttons (2) dials (3) bullets
(4) pointers (5) None of these

40. A business's customer, Inventory, and payroll records would best be stored in a _____ file.
(1) database (2) document (3) worksheet (4) presentation
(5) None of these 


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