IBPS, SBI, RBI and Other Bank's Clerk, PO and SSC CGL, CHSL Examination and Sample Question - Answers of Reasoning, Quantitative, Computer Awareness, English, General Knowledge, Clerical and Marketing Aptitude Paper.

Reasoning Sample / Model Test Question Paper And Answer Paper - 12

1. If Yellow is called Green, Green is called Black, Black is called White, White is called Red, Red is called Blue, Blue is called Orange then what is the colour of milk ?
(A) White
(B) Black
(C) Red
(D) Green
(E) None of these

2. Pointing to a photograph Seema said 'He is the only grandson of my mother's father-in-law'.How is the man in photograph related to Seema ?
(A) Father
(B) Uncle
(C) Cousin
(D) Brother
(E) Cannot be determined

3. If it is possible to make a meaningful word from the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the eighth and the eleventh letters of the word GOURMANDISE using each letter only once first letter of the word is your answer. If more than one such word can be formed your answer is X. If no such word can be formed your answer is Y—
(A) D
(B) R
(C) M
(D) X
(E) Y

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group ?
(A) Silver
(B) Gold
(C) Nickel
(D) Copper
(E) Brass

5. In a certain code EXTRA is written as % 5 # 73 and NOSE is written as 4 @ 8%; how is STORE written in that code ?
(A) 5#@7%
(B) 8#@7%
(C) 8#@%5
(D) 8@75%
(E) None of these

Directions—(Q. 11–15) These questions are based on the following letter/number/
symbolarrangement.Study it carefully and answer the questions.

T 8 # 1 7 F J 5 % E R @ 4 D A 2 B © Q K 3 1 ● U H 6 L

6. What will come in place of the question-mark (?) in the following series based on the above arrangement ?
TL8 #6I 7HF ?
(B) JU●
(C) FU●
(D) JU5
(E) None of these

7. How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a consonant and not immediately followed by a vowel ?
(A) None
(B) One
(C) Two
(D) Three
(E) More than three

8. How many such vowels are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately preceded by a symbol and immediately followed by a number ?
(A) None
(B) One
(C) Two
(D) Three
(E) More than three

9. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way on the basis of their positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group ?
(A) E@%
(B) #78
(C) 5EJ
(D) U6●

10. Which of the following is seventh to the right of thirteenth from the right ?
(A) 1
(B) ●
(C) F
(D) 7
(E) None of these

Directions—(Q. 11–15) Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II are given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and give answer—

(A) If the data in Statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while
the data in Statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question
(B) If the data in Statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while
the data in Statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question
(C) If the data either in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question
(D) If the data in both the Statements I and II are not sufficient to answer the question
(E) If the data in both the Statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question

11. What is the code for 'not' in the code language ?
I. In the code language 'do not go' is written as 'la ra de'.
II. In the code language 'go to school' is written as 'ka ma ra.'

12. How is Neela related to Deepa ?
I. Neela's mother is Deepa's brother's wife.
II. Neela is the only granddaughter of Deepa's mother.

13. Among D, B, J, T and F who was the first person to reach the office ?
I. D reached before J and F but after B.
II. B was not the first to reach office.

14. R is in which direction with respect to T ?
I. R is to the east of H who is to the north of T.
II. Q is to the east of T and to the South of R

15. How many children are there in the class ?
I. Rita ranks 23rd from the top.
II. Anita ranks 17th from the bottom and is five ranks above Rita.

Directions—(Q. 16–20) Symbols @, %, ●, $ and # are used with following meanings—

'A @ B' means 'A is smaller than B'.
'A % B' means 'A is greater than B'.
'A ● B' means 'A is neither greater than nor smaller than B'.
'A $ B' means 'A is either smaller than or equal to B.'
'A # B' means 'A is either greater than or equal to B'.

Now in each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find
which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely true and give
your answer accordingly. Give answer—
(A) If only conclusion I is true.
(B) If only conclusion II is true.
(C) If either conclusion I or conclusion II is true.
(D) If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II is true.
(E) If both conclusions I and II are true.

16. Statements : K % L, L # T, I $ T
Conclusions : I. L % I
II. L ● I

17. Statements : F ● B, B @ E, E # J
Conclusions : I. F @ E
II. J $ B

18. Statements : G @ H, H ● Q, Q $ M
Conclusions : I. M % G
II. H $ M

19. Statements : T # L, L % W, W @ V
Conclusions : I. L % V
II. T % W

20. Statements : R $ H, H % M, M # F
Conclusions : I. F $ H
II. F @ R

Directions—(Q. 21–25) An organization wants to recruit Manager—HRD for its umbai division.
The following criteria have been laid down, to be eligible for selection. The candidate must—
(a) Be a graduate in any discipline passed in first class with minimum 60% marks
(b) Have done post graduate degree/diploma in HRD or personnel management with minimum
65% marks
(c) Have cleared the selection test with minimum 50% marks
(d) Have cleared the interview with minimum 45% marks
(e) Be not less than 21 years and not more than 28 years of age as on 1.2.2007.
However, if a candidate satisfies all other criteria except for—
(i) At (b) above but has got-at-least two years post-qualification experience of working in
HRD department case may be referred to the Chairman of the organisation.
(ii) At (c) above but has secured minimum 45% marks in selection test and 55% marks in
interview the case may be referred to the President of the organization.
In each of the questions below, information of one candidate is given. You have to take one
of the following five decisions based on the information provided and the criteria and
conditions given above.You are not to assume anything other than the information provided
in each question.All these cases are given to you as on 1.2.2007. You have to indicate your
decision by marking answers to each question as follows. Give answer—
(A) If the candidate is to be selected
(B) If the candidate is not to be selected
(C) If the case is to be referred to Chairman
(D) If the case is to be referred to President
(E) If the data provided is not adequate to decide the course of action

21. Nikhil Agnihotri is a postgraduate in personnel management passed out in 2005 at the
age of 24 years securing 71% marks. He has secured 62% marks in selection test and
57% marks in interview.

22. Shyam Bansode has passed B. Com. in first class with 65% marks and MBA in
personnel management with 72% marks. He has cleared the selection test with 58% marks
and interview with 52% marks. His date of birth is 17.5.1983.

23. Rajesh Nalawade is a B. Sc. In first class with 75% marks and post-graduate in
personnel management with 60% marks. He is working as an Officer in administration
department of an organisation for past two years. He has secured 55% marks in selection
test and 52% marks in interview. He has completed 26 years of age in November 2006.

24. Sujata Shirke has passed out B. Com. in first class with 62% marks in 2003 at the age
of 21 years.Thereafter she has done MBA with specialization in HRD with 72% marks. She
has secured 48% marks in selection test and 58% marks in interview.

25. Nalini Zaveri has done her graduation in Arts in first class with 60% marks and
postgraduate management diploma in HRD with 62% marks. Her date of birth is
16.1.1981. She has been working in the HRD department of a bank for past three
years after completing her postgraduation diploma in HRD.She has secured 55% marks
in selection test and 50% marks in interview.

Answers :
1. (C) 2. (D) 3. (D) 4. (E) 5. (B) 6. (D) 7. (C) 8. (B) 9.(E)
10. (A) 11. (D) 12. (C) 13. (E) 14. (C) 15. (E) 16. (C) 17. (A)
18. (E) 19. (B) 20. (D) 21. (E) 22. (A) 23. (B) 24. (D) 25. (C)

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